BY :2024-09-10

The 8th “Zhong Han Cup” Intelligent Welding Technology Vocational Skills Competition and the robotic welding event of the 2024 Mechanical Industrial Vocational Educational Skills Competition had a grand opening at Jiamusi Vocational Education Group on the morning of 8th September. 18 representative teams from all around the country and 43 contestants attended the opening ceremony. The competition is hosted by China Welding Association, Machinery Industry Education Development Center, and China Worker Welding Technique Association, organized by Education and Training Work Committee of China Welding Association, and Jiamusi Vocational Education Group (Jiamusi Vocational Colleague, Jiamusi Technician College). As one of the equipment support units, Shandong Aotai Electrical Co., Ltd. provides the competition with strong assistance.  


The robotic welding event of the competition at this time responds to the strategy of China Made 2025 and fully reflects the firm determination and forward-looking layout to the intelligent manufacture and the cultivation of high-end skilled talents. Robotic welding technology fits the intelligent, automatic, green-based, efficient development demands for new quality productive forces. It plays an important role in promoting industrial development, product technological progress, and national economic development. As one of the most influential competitions in the welding area of our country, “Zhong Han Cup” not only forms a wide stage to show skills, exchange techniques and experience for all technical talents but also is an important platform that pushes innovation and application of intelligent welding techniques, promotes the integration of industry and education and the fusion of science and education, and accelerates the construction of high quality technical and skilled talents.


As the support unit of the robotic welding power source from the first to the eighth “Zhong Han Cup”, it is Aotai’s great honor and pride. It’s our responsibility and obligation to contribute to the development of intelligent welding technology and the cultivation of high-end welding talents. From now on, we will continuously provide the competition with forceful guarantees, make more contributions to serve the demands of national significant strategy and the cultivation of high-end welding talents and provide support and guarantees to a welding power.  
