BY :2024-07-10

China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (referred to as CNAS) issued the recognition certificates for the Shandong Aotai Testing Laboratory on June 21st, 2024. This marks the official CNAS accreditation of Shandong Aotai Testing Laboratory. CNAS is a national accreditation institution approved by the National Certification and Accreditation Administration to be set up and authorized. It is uniformly responsible for the accreditation job of recognized institutions, laboratories, detection institutions, and other relevant institutions, which enjoys great authority in China. Meanwhile, the CNAS accrediting system has already been integrated into the international accreditation mutual recognizing system, which has a significant position and plays an important role.


In order to adapt to the market development demands and internal management improvement, Aotai has begun to prepare for the CNAS accreditation work of the laboratory since 2022. Since the establishment of the laboratory, Aotai continuously perfected the testing equipment and standards and successively completed the construction of the internal system, the improvement of test ability, documents audition, on-site audition, and other works. Aotai achieves comprehensive testing of the whole machine inverter welding machine, automation, and auxiliary equipment, accessories, and components by CNAS requirements.

Obtaining the recognition of CNAS signifies that Aotai Testing Laboratory has the ability and qualification to conduct relevant tests following national standards. This not only increases the authority and credibility of the reports issued by the laboratory but also provides a strong guarantee of improving product reliability, shortening the product testing period, and increasing market competitive power. Meanwhile, obtaining the CNAS qualification is beneficial for Aotai to explore the global market in the future and promote Aotai to accelerate in forging ahead to become an international enterprise.