BY :2024-04-22

The 1st Expert Meeting of the National Additive Material Manufacturing Expert Committee was held in Shandong Aotai Electric Co., Ltd on the afternoon of April 19th. This meeting is mainly played as a preparatory meeting for the 3rd Additive Material Manufacturing Technological (International) Peak Forum that will be held in August. Professors and experts from many nationally famous colleges and universities attended this meeting, including Nanjing Tech University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Shanghai University, and Shandong University. 


During the meeting, all the experts attended the meeting and visited domestic and overseas welding and cutting equipment production lines of Aotai, the test center, the Aotai (Jinan) welding technology application center, the high-end equipment workshop of the robot business division, and others. 
